วันอังคารที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Tosa Ken

Tosa Ken

Within the mid- to late 1800s and early 1900s, Mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Great Danes, and Bulldogs were imported into Japan to become bred with native dogs hoping of making the best fight-ing dog. The Tosa Ken was (but still is) considered to be quiet, courageous, and deadly. Coded in that old

Tosa province, now referred to as Kochi prefecture, the breed almost went extinct throughout The Second World War but was saved by fanciers. The Tosa Ken is revered in Japan he's the Sumo wrestler from the canine world. These dogs stand 21.75 to 23.5 inches or taller in most cases weigh between 100 and 200 pounds, even though some might be heavier. The mind is big and blocky, your eyes are brown, the nose black, and also the ears medium-sized and dropped. Your body is powerful, mus-cular, and slightly more than your dog is tall. The tail dangles naturally towards the hocks and it is never vehicle-ried within the back. The dog?s skin is loose, with pendulous lips, a sizable flap of skin that dangles underneath the face, and facial lines around the temple. The coat is brief and dense. Dogs might be red-colored, brindle, black, or brown.

The coat ought to be blown weekly having a soft bristle brush or curry comb. The Tosa Ken is definitely an sports, agile dog who needs daily exercise. He needs a few brisk, lengthy walks and an opportunity to run and play. Socialization is essential with this breed. Tosa Kens are very careful of other people and need a ton of socialization with other people as young puppies as well as on into their adult years. These dogs continue to be utilized in Japan for ritualistic dog fights and retain individuals instincts. Training this breed isn't difficult Tosa Kens are wanting to learn and incredibly prepared to please.

The Tosa Ken needs a skilled pet owner who could possibly be the dog?s leader. The dog owner should be prepared to take time to socialize and train your dog. Your dog may live quietly along with other family dogs when elevated together but is generally aggres-sive toward unknown dogs. Health issues include stylish and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, bloat, and torsion.

Registries: AKC FSS, UKC
Size: 21.75 to 23.5 in 100 to 200 pounds
Durability: 9 to 11 years
Exercise: Moderate
Training: Easy socialization needed
Grooming: Easy

