วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Icelandic Sheepdog

Icelandic Sheepdog

The Icelandic Sheepdog was introduced to Iceland through the Vikings greater than 1,a century ago. Descended from Nordic Spitz breeds, the Icelandic Sheepdog has become considered Iceland?s native dog. The breed was (but still is) accustomed to work sheep and horses also introduced to Iceland through the Vikings.

This can be a medium-sized dog, standing between 16.5 and 18 inches tall with weight compared to height. The mind is triangular, with medium-sized brown eyes and upright ears. Your body is slightly more than your dog is tall in the shoulder, and also the tail is curled within the back. The coat is double having a thick, soft under-coat you will find two measures of outer coat: medium and lengthy. Colors change from cream to red brown and grey to black. All might have whitened markings.

This coat needs weekly brushing throughout the majority of the year, although once the dog is losing, daily brushing might help keep your hair in the home in check. Breed expert Brynhildur Inga Einarsdottir of Iceland states, ?ISDs are extremely individual in the quantity of exercise they require. Some dogs appear to become quite happy with a regular walk, while some might have endless energy.? The breed is playful, and lots of dogs enjoy agility and flyball. ISDs aren't aggressive but they are careful and can bark when individuals approach their territory. Einarsdottir states, ?Socialization while very young is essential, because these dogs can display aggression to dogs of the identical sex.? The breed is vibrant, has strong working instincts, and likes to learn. Training ought to be firm and struc-tured therefore the dog discovers household rules, but ought to be fun.

The breed does best in the home where woofing won't be an issue. Einarsdottir adds, ?The breed does very best in a functional or training atmosphere.? She states that ISDs make wonderful therapy dogs. They're excellent with children and may usually be reliable with more compact pets, even though the dog may attempt to herd both kids and also the other pets. Health issues include stylish dysplasia and cataracts.

Registries: AKC FSS, UKC, CKC
Occupation:Herder, watchdog
Size: 16.5 to 18 in tall weight proportionate to height
Durability: 14 to 16 years
Exercise: Moderate to active
Training: Moderate
Grooming: Moderate

