วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Stumpy Tail Cattle Dogs

Stumpy Tail Cattle Dogs

Stumpy Tail Cattle Dogs, also called Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dogs, are gener-ally simply known to as Stumpies. This Australian breed came from within the 1800s from the mix between dingos and also the Smithfield Collie. It's a close relation towards the Australian Cattle Dog.

For many of the breed?s history, performance, work-ing instinct, and stamina were a lot more important t
han appearance. Most Stumpies stand between 17 and 20 inches tall and weigh between 35 and 50 pounds. The ears are erect, the muzzle is tapered, and also the tail is of course bobbed. Your body is level, strong, and muscular. The coat is medium to short, dense, and harsh. Colors include red-colored roan and blue roan. Stumpies need two times weekly brushing, although more might be needed when losing.

This can be a very active breed who had been bred to herd. Breed expert Sophistication Harper of Silver Park Kennel, states, ?Their stamina is really that they'll consume a equine all day long working cattle but you just can?t tire them out.? This energy has attracted individuals who enjoy training their dogs in perform-ance sports, and Stumpies are actually competing in flyball, agility, and herding. This breed isn't a inactive! Harper states, ?Stumpies are very intelligent, sometimes completely frightening within their capability to learn.? What this means is training is essential. Training must start early, continue into adult-hood, and challenge the dog?s capabilities. Stumpies can learn methods and really should certainly work to complete. Socialization must start in puppyhood, because this breed is careful and protective.

Stumpies require an positively involved owner who likes a canine shadow. This breed includes a inclination to bond more carefully with one owner compared to multiple people. They're good with children when elevated together but, otherwise elevated together, will often prevent them. They may be good along with other dogs but frequently need to be in control. Health issues include deafness, cleft palate, and back problems.

Size: 17 to twenty in tall 35 to 50 pounds
Durability: 12 to 14 years
Exercise: Energetic daily exercise
Training: Difficult to keep challenged
Grooming: Easy

