วันอังคารที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

How to bathe a dog correctly.

How to bathe a dog correctly.

Dogs should shower How often should
- Dogs should shower often. This depends on the species . Farming methods Include ease of ownership with it. If the party closed I have to go play outside in the open air . May not need to bathe more often was it. But it approximately every 10 days or 2 weeks , but if it is not convenient . Once a month, it was But in the case of long showers recommend using a damp towel . To wipe them Once a week will help to a certain extent.

Bath shampoo is good.
Choosing a shampoo for dogs Should use the correct type of The market has a wide variety. Both cheap to very expensive . The shampoo should not be used on dogs , it is. Shampoo for people Because of the shampoos contain ingredients that are different from dogs. May cause allergic dogs Irritation For proper dog shampoo should have a pH as close to the skin of a dog , preferably a pH 6.5-7.5 for the formula of shampoo , then use a lot of herbs , natural products , grooming , gentle ... he should choose. meet the needs It is not uncommon to have a dog , 1 Shampoo wide . We do also have many kinds shampoo it. Why dogs are some are not.

Procedures shower

- Preparing for a bath

Nitrite to pass before the bath. We should check things Ensure before Usually, the dog is cold or not . The dog has a temperature of 100.5 ° -102.5 ° F. If more than this is not recommended because it may be a cold shower is . Another point is to explore a wound or body parts may not be aware that this will cause an infection. With transport , it is important in the event that the hair is matted , tangled knot should be loosened or removed before bathing. When ready I use a cotton ball to the dog's ear to the ear of a dog with water .

- In the shower
Prepare hot water may be released from the water heater or to enter into a pail of water , then gently remove the carpet but bit by bit. The dog 's body temperature gradually Do not pour it down immediately , then gradually sprinkle the general. Both wet
Shampoo bleach down the leg from the back under the tail to the dog look on his face. No need to pour water on it. When bleaching shampoo all over it to rinse out the bleach over again I would do the same bleaching hair to scratch hard enough to clean it.
There may be a solution to hair care . Woodcock hair vitamins Then to wipe

- After taking a shower
Wiping the dog to dry sufficiently. If it is a simple and sensitive recommend using chamois . Chamois cloth for use on dogs only. Should not be used to wipe something else , such as cars. Wipe the focus Damp area is like a crook neck and legs , if not dry, may be a source of infection causing fungus .
The next step is to blow or direct unload sizes that are windy enough. Adjust the heat to warm . ( In the heat we feel it warm . I am not hot ) blow dry hair try to dogs combed back hair at the base of the hair . To dry quickly I felt the wind started to heat or hot dogs. Adjust the common cold . Then adjusted back to warm again.

Clean the delicate After our bath towels to finish. There will be some that we have not had to clean the area around the eyes. Use a cotton swab to gently wipe the ear with cotton bud sticks . Clean the inside of the ear Be careful not to water Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior . Face and nose Use a damp cloth to wipe the same.

The new sun bathing should take the dog to the sun may be to let him walk in the park. Or put the dog in a cage placed in the sun . But be careful not to heat too strong. I only modest We take the dog to the sun to kill bacteria. And make the dry part that we can not handle. Moreover, the dogs get vitamin . Into the skin again
Then wipe the brush needs to be brushed . Beautifully dressed Fold together and keeps hair . Brushing the hair regularly will help keep hair healthy blood circulation. For article selection brush for dogs can read more about it here.

- Attention to bathe the dog . Be careful not to let water into the dog's eyes, nose and ears , it was time for a bath. The dog looked And do not bathe the dog too long. It may be more than the loss of heat and discomfort. Try to avoid bathing the dog in the night time. Or in cold weather

