วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

How to train your dog to excrete tidily

How to train your dog to excrete tidily .

Excretion of dogs is natural. If kept outside the house, it would not be much of a problem . However, if the party in each. Digestive problems is not the way of the dog will become a big problem. Usually caused by the party , Buffy and dog young lad dog because we have not taught them. He could pass as a way for these stories , we need to understand the dog taught him gradually learn to Today We Like Dog is a way to train the dog to defecate as a way to introduce friends . If you are not ready to train dogs .

The process of training a dog to defecate is not as difficult. Friends can be practiced on their own by now.
Age of dog

- The dog is still young Can be trained easily Age -appropriate training excretion. After weaning, the mother was started about two months. It must be understood that a bit Dogs during childhood . Excretion is more often than dogs . Because gastric Tsubasa Wa Scopus A smaller size They can not control their emotions very well .
Stationed at the same time

- The old old as time allows training of dogs to excrete well done . Should take them to where we want them to run errands , such as a corner of the lawn. The original tree to help you remember the original and errands easier. Time , it is important to be on time to practice . Both self catering and dogs The time is right The dog awake 15 minutes after meals and before bedtime.
Give him an errand

- Is something that many people make mistakes. Time to take the dog on errands Please note that the actual When you go to a place to do business and then recommend the owners to stay put. Let the dog sniff The atmosphere created by himself . Do not rush or try to talk to him like we do not exist. I try not to look Because the dog is distracting and the new. It has the same nervous dog leash is too important not to be too tight or loose .
Practice using the command

- Time to take the dog out to do official business, We Like Dog is recommended that you use voice commands such as GTP , Bathroom , Toilet , or the like , but remember the owner. But should be used each time . And should speak with a strong voice And take them out as soon as word order.
More suggestions In the event of returning home I have seen the mess in the house or not the defined. He should not be punished because if you punish him. I understand that the owners back into the storyline will be punished , and we see him in the toilet . It should not be to punish the dog when the owner would think that they would be punished excretion . I gave the dog to defecate in a place where we can not see. May cause odor problems that can not come up. The dog is a way to pass the time. Effort and patience of both the party and the dog itself. Also, I do not discourage it . Gradually trained to Can live together happily . I have no problems in the future

