วันพุธที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557



The Briard is an extremely old French breed. Its portrait has been discovered in old tapestries along with other pieces of art, some dating back the eighth century. Briards have offered as animals and prop-erty parents, as perimeter sheep-herders, and, throughout the planet Wars, as military sentries and pads.These were also accustomed to find wounded soldiers around the battleground. A lot of Briards were utilised throughout world war 2 the breed was threatened with extinction. Today, the breed continues to be used like a herding dog.

This can be a large dog, standing 22 to 27 inches tall and weighing 70 to 90 pounds. The Briard?s mind is lengthy, your eyes are large, and also the ears are natural or popped. Your body is slightly more than tall, and also the chest is broad and deep. The breed has two dewclaws on each rear leg. The determining characteristic may be the coat the mind and ears are very well-engrossed in a lengthy, coarse coat. The coat is really a double one the undercoat is okay and tight. The coat is generally tawny, with much deeper col-ors preferred, and frequently darkens as we grow older.

The Briard requires constant choose to keep your coat who is fit. Without daily brushing and brushing, it'll pad. Daily brushing also reduces the quantity of coat shed in the home. Your hair within the ears and between your pads from the ft needs regular trimming, and lots of proprietors trim your hair within the eyes to allow them to see their dogs? eyes.Some pet proprietors hav e the coat trimmed short, mainly in the summer time several weeks.

Briards need energetic daily exercise, along with a walk or two every single day isn't nearly enough. A Briard is ideal for an energetic owner and may run alongside a motorcycle, go jogging, herd sheep, play agility, or catch flying dvds. Bred to operate, they'll enter into trouble when they do not have something to complete and an opportunity to melt away excess energy.

Early socialization is essential, because this is a careful, protective breed. Socialization to a number of people, places, sounds, sights, and things might help her adapt to her surroundings. Regrettably, some Briards?especially individuals who aren't well-socialized?are overprotective, be responsible for aggressive behavior.

Training must start early, too, and continue into their adult years. This breed is vibrant and intelli-gent and likes a mental challenge. Training ought to be structured and firm (although not heavy-handed), yet fun and challenging. Briards enjoy many dog sports, including agility, herding, trick training, and flyball.

This breed isn't for any first-time pet owner even many experienced dog proprietors could find her to become a handful. The Briard needs the owner who may also be her leader. She isn't good when left alone for a lot of hrs every single day, so when bored can get into trouble. With company and leadership, she's an affectionate, loyal, and devoted companion. She will be great with children when elevated together and can not tolerate tease or disrespect. She will be dog-aggressive otherwise socialized along with other dogs early. The breed has a tendency to herd something that moves, including kids and also the family cat. Health issues include bloat, torsion, and stylish dysplasia.

Registries: AKC, UKC, CKC
protector, herder
Size: 22 to 27 in tall 70 to 90 pounds
Durability: ten to twelve years
Exercise: Energetic daily exercise
Training: Moderate difficult to
keep challenged
Grooming: Difficult

